
  #Induction Training Program for the New Recruited PS / UPS teachers from 05/01/2023 to 17/01/2023 ###Induction Training Program for the New Recruited TGT/PGT teachers from 19/12/2022 to 29/12/2022 ###RAMTA RAMTA SHIKHO Abhiyan Training for 1std to 5std teachers from 30th Nov to 3rd Dec 2022

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Induction Training for New Recruited PGT/TGT Teachers

Venue: GHS Falandi

Timing: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Date: 19/12/2022 to 29/12/2022

Induction training for newly recruited teachers was organized by Department of Education and DIET Daman.

On the first day the teachers were registered for the 10-day training programme. Formal introduction was given by DIET Principal, Shri. I.V. Patel Sir. The dignitaries for the Inauguration of the training programme were Asst. Director of Education, Shri Paritosh Shukla Sir, D.E.O. Shri B.B.Patil Sir, E.O Shri Rajendra Mohile Sir, E.O. Shri Anil Bhoya Sir. The training sessions and management of the training programme was done by DIET.

The programme began with the lighting of the lamp, followed by prayer. The dignitaries were welcomed with bouquet. The module prepared by DIET Daman for Induction training, ‘Pehla Kadam – Chhatro Ke Vikas Ki Aur’ was launched by the dignitaries.

DIET Principal, Shri. I.V.Patel Sir gave overview of the module and briefed about the sessions that would be taken in the 10-day training programme.

Asst. Director of Education expressed his gratitude to the Hon’ble Administrator Sir, Secretary (Education), Director of Education for working hard to complete the recruitment process. He said that it is very important to put the first step very carefully and appreciated the DIET team for the training module, ‘Pehla Kadam – Chhatro Ke Vikas Ki Aur.’ He also told that training acts as support and guidance and motivated the teachers to come up with innovative practices in the field of education and to work with sincerity and dedication.

 D.E.O. Shri B.B.Patil Sir told to teachers that they have to  work according to the culture of the children and most of the students we have in our schools are first generation learner. So, identify the instinct of the children and help them to reach their goals.

 After distributing the training modules to the trainee teachers, the teachers were divided in 3 classrooms –

Class 1 - Language (English/Hindi/Sanskrit/Gujarati),

Class 2 - Science-Maths and

Class 3 – Arts/ Com/ SS/OC/SP

The training session had some common sessions and the rest sessions were conducted in the respective classes by the DIET Faculties and Resource Persons. The officials regularly visited the training classes and interacted with teachers. It kept teachers motivated to attend the training sincerely.

In session of Professional Development, Director of Education Shri Jatin Goyal Sir interacted with the teachers and motivated them to imbibe attitudes and values. He said that Education is the only way in India to rise above the situation and he suggested that it is necessary to ignite the hope in the child to make him study and seek education. He also stated that if teachers do not teach in class that is also kind of corruption. He encouraged the teachers to reflect on themselves and change the lives of the students.

Further for the session of Professional Development, Mr. Sunil Mali Sir, Lead District Manager, BOB, BRSC-Khanvel was invited. He talked about motivation, role and importance of motivation in life of students and teachers, limiting factors of entrepreneurial motivation. He also discussed that how effective communication is important. He also talked about problem solving and creativity. Professional development is necessary for the teachers to enhance their abilities.

A session on National Education Policy-2020 was conducted by Shri B.P.Chaudhary Sir, DIET Sr. Lecturer, in which he conducted  a pre-test at beginning of the session. During the session he discussed the background of the education in India, previous education policies and why the national education policy is introduced. Objectives and four parts of the policy were discussed as well. At end of the session  a post-test was also conducted. Teachers agreed that they have gained their knowledge about the Nation Education Policy -2020 and the session was very useful.

In the world of 21st century ICT has become integral part of life. How education field can be far from this? We have seen very unique use of ICT during pandemic time. So, to make teachers familiar with the ICT in Education, a session was conducted by Sadhana Tripathi Ma’am, DIET Lecturer. In this session MS Office applications and Google application like Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Classroom, Google Meet etc. were discussed with the teachers, practice and practical was also done during the session. Moreover,  an understanding of Open Educational Resources and Creative Common Licenses was also given to teachers. This session will be very useful to teachers in their service.

In the session of Inclusive Education, RPWD Act-2016 and 21 types of disabilities were discussed with the teachers by Nikita Daga Ma’am, BRP CWSN. To identify the children with special needs in classroom and school this detailed session will be very useful to teachers. Difference between inclusion, exclusion, separation and integration was also discussed. Questions of teachers regarding how to engage hyper active students in teaching learning process and importance of sharing knowledge of good touch and bad touch to school students were discussed in detail.  

Dr. Ashwini Jadhav Ma’am,DIET, Lecturer engaged teachers in the session of ‘Life Skills’. In which discussion about life skills was done with various activities. How to enhance life skills of students was discussed in the session. Emotional Intelligence, Difference between empathy and sympathy, types of personality i.e., introvert, extrovert, ambivert, stress management, etc. topics were also discussed in the session.

Sessions of Activity Based Learning and Vocational Education were taken by Shri Rohit Sharma Sir, DIET, lecturer. In  the session of Vocational Education, importance of Pre-Vocational Education before Vocational Education and importance of vocational education for students in 21st century were discussed. In the session of Activity Based Learning, Why activity-based learning is important in classroom teaching, toy-based pedagogy etc. topics were discussed and demonstration of various activities was also done.

Session of Roles and Responsibility of teachers was conducted by Shri Uttam Madane Sir, DIET, Lecturer. He started the session with an online activity and based on  those academic duties of schoolteachers were discussed. During the session Asstt. Director of Education Shri Paritosh Shukla Sir, Education officer Sports Shri Gaurang H.Vora Sir, Education Officer Shri Balwant Patil Sir and Education Officer Shri Anil Bhoya Sir visited the class and Shri Gaurang H.Vora Sir shared his experiences in context of roles and responsibilities of teachers. Asstt. Director of Education Shri Paritosh Shukla Sir also shared his experiences in context to duties of schoolteachers. He said that, “Output will be based on input only, one has to practice teaching to be good teacher. Struggle is there in everyone’s life but success gives satisfaction. Self-realization is the most important training.”

Assessment is the most important part of the education process. So, what, why and how of assessment is discussed in the session of School Based Assessment by Dr. Namrata Kulkarni Ma’am, DIET. Lecturer. Characteristics of school-based assessment, procedure of it, tools and techniques of it, types of assessment, case study and homework etc. are the major topics discussed in this session.

Session of Value Education was conducted by Shri Uttam Madane Sir, DIET, Lecturer. Session was started with the Online MCQ test and based on the answers the discussion was started. Objectives and the need of Value Education in school  were discussed with the various activities in this session.

The session of Pedagogy was conducted by Dr. Aaradhya Srivastava Ma’am, DIET Lecturer. In this session, why planning is necessary in teaching learning process, factors need to be considered for organization of concepts, basic principles of classroom practices, phases of teaching, unit plan, lesson plan, need of lesson plan, range of teaching techniques, elements of lesson etc. topics were discussed in detail. The Activity of making lesson and unit plan and classroom demonstration was also  part of this session.

With the example of Gijubhai Badheka’s ‘Divaswapn’ the session of Innovation in Education was started by Pappi Patil Ma’am, DIET, Lecturer. What is innovation? Why we need of Innovation? Who can innovate? How innovation should be? difference between innovation, invention and creation, 21st century skills, teachers as innovators, types of innovation, four dimensions of innovation, process of innovation, three language formula, areas of innovation etc. topic were discussed in this session.

A session on ERP system was delivered by Shri Swapnil Shewale Sir and Shri Yogeshwar Rokade Sir, MIS Coordinator. They gave detail information on the mobile application and ERP portal for schools and how to work with the system. After this session there was an online session where Mr. Somnath Walke Sir was invited to inspire and motivate the teachers with his work. He has been felicitated with a National Award for teachers and many state and national level awards. He enriched everyone with his innovative practices and shared his experiences.

In the session of POCSO the teachers were sensitized with the POCSO (Protection Of Children from Sexual Offence) by Dr.Ashwini Jadhav. The various parameters were discussed, and since teachers are with the Children, they should stand for the child and should develop a trust and confidence that the child may share his/her problems with them. The offences and punishments which comes under this act were discussed with the teachers. It is also discussed with the teachers that Speedy trial is the key feature of this act.

In the session of Library all the teachers visited the school library. After Returning to class, experiences of library were shared by teachers. DIET, Lecturer Pappi Patil Ma’am explained that teachers should read as well as inculcate the habit of reading in students. She said that teachers have to make maximum use of the library for themselves as well as for the students. Importance of reading books, how to use school library in best way, how to develop reading habits in children, why it is necessary to make students use library, how to maintain library registers etc topics were discussed in this session.

In the presence of Respected Secretary of Education, Ms Ankita Anand Ma’am a workshop on ‘Tinkering Lab and Science Education was conducted by resource person Shri. Dhananjay Gadare Sir accompanied by his student Shri.Mohit Agrawal Sir. He introduced his innovations such as electronic inauguration lab, birthday blow candle without fire, sensor prob for blind children, electronic dice, electronic dandiya etc. He demonstrated light painting using LED pen and pro cam.

For holistic development of students, it is necessary to nourish their abilities and interests. With the aim of giving experience of co-curricular activities to teachers, Game Events, Cultural Event, Science- Maths Exhibition and Innovation exhibition was also conducted in the induction training program. Four teams participated in the game of Volley Ball. Many teachers participated in the game of chess. Overall, the purpose of scheduling game events during the induction training session was fulfilled as the teachers had participated and enjoyed playing games. Exhibition of various Teaching Leaning Material and Innovative ideas of teachers was done on the last day of induction training. More than ten cultural activities were presented by teachers. It was a pleasure to see various cultures presented on stage in the form of Folk Dance, Folk Song, Poetry Recitation etc.

On the last day of the training program, certificate of participation was given to teachers. The induction training program will be very useful to teachers while performing their duties in the school.  Satisfaction was there on the faces of participants. Everyone assured that they will use the knowledge they have gained in this training program in the best possible manner.

Induction Training for New Recruited PGT/TGT Teachers

Venue: GHS Falandi Timing: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Date: 19/12/2022 to 29/12/2022 Induction training for newly recruited teachers was organ...